Roots fan manufacturing belongs to the fan industry in the general machinery manufacturing industry

Roots fan manufacturing belongs to the fan industry in the general machinery manufacturing industry

  • Categories:COMPANY NEWS
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  • Time of issue:2020-07-09 16:53
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(Summary description)Roots fan manufacturing belongs to the fan industry in the general machinery manufacturing industry. It is driven by national policies and the needs of downstream industry development, and has good future growth. At the same time, the domestic fan industry is low in concentration, and domestic companies in related industries have a broad future market space. There is a lot of room for upgrading and replacing imports.

Roots fan manufacturing belongs to the fan industry in the general machinery manufacturing industry

(Summary description)Roots fan manufacturing belongs to the fan industry in the general machinery manufacturing industry. It is driven by national policies and the needs of downstream industry development, and has good future growth. At the same time, the domestic fan industry is low in concentration, and domestic companies in related industries have a broad future market space. There is a lot of room for upgrading and replacing imports.

  • Categories:COMPANY NEWS
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-07-09 16:53
  • Views:
Roots fan manufacturing belongs to the fan industry in the general machinery manufacturing industry. It is driven by national policies and the needs of downstream industry development, and has good future growth. At the same time, the domestic fan industry is low in concentration, and domestic companies in related industries have a broad future market. There is a lot of room for upgrading and replacing imports.
At the same time, wind turbine manufacturing is a typical technology-intensive and capital-intensive industry; at present, very few companies in the domestic wind turbine sub-industry have achieved listing and financing, and only "Jiangsu Jiangsu Jintongling Co., Ltd." landed a domestic venture in 2010 On the board, "Shandong Sanniu Machinery Co., Ltd." has just disclosed its prospectus in the China Securities Regulatory Commission; in the next few years, there will be many investment opportunities in this industry, and it is worthwhile for us to start paying attention to this industry to find other investment opportunities. Traditional markets for fan products, such as steel, cement, and chemical industries, will continue to increase their demand for fans with the development of my country’s national economy and the gradual increase in the proportion of urbanization; the industry’s own industrial upgrading and internal demand for energy saving and consumption reduction will also increase. Bring new development opportunities to the fan industry.
   However, there are still many fields that fan products have not yet or will be involved in. The potential market changes with the development of the national economy and the continuous progress of technology.
  Industry pattern and industry leader
   In the mid-to-high-end market of the fan industry, there are about 30 domestic companies with a certain scale. At the same time, the key market segments of each company have their own focus, and the industry competition is relatively mild.
Roots fan manufacturing belongs to the fan industry in the general machinery manufacturing industry

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